


たくさんの人に聞いて欲しい。 海上自衛隊の東日本大地震からインド太平洋派遣。 東日本大地震を指揮した高嶋元海将の証言。 歴史が、日米同盟が動いたあの日。

The 2022 Palau Judo Kids, Christmas Party Fundraising Talk was graced by former Maritime General Hiromi Takashima of the Japan Maritime Self-Defense Force at the end of the talk.

I hope many people will listen to it. The Maritime Self-Defense Force's deployment from the Great East Japan Earthquake to the Indo-Pacific Deployment. Testimony of former Admiral Takashima who commanded the Great East Japan Earthquake. That day when history and the Japan-U.S. alliance moved.



Xmas Party開催まで順次ご報告していきます。