Japan's largest SDF carrier brings joy to Palau judo kids

2008年にミクロネシア の海洋安全保障を立ち上げる時に「誰の安全保障を、誰が守るのか?何から守るのか?」その事を自分自身に問い掛け続けてきたのです。
When I launched Micronesia Maritime Security in 2008, I asked myself, "Whose security is it, and who is protecting it? And from what?" That's what I've been asking myself.
It was my mentor, Professor Akio Watanabe, who taught me that security covers a wide range of fields.
I would like to thank him again. I would also like to thank Ms. Jennifer Anson of the Palau National Security Office for giving me this opportunity.
I would also like to thank Mr. Reito Kaneko of Kyodo, for putting together this elegant article.
I think you can read it in 2 minutes.