
本邦駐箚パラオ共和国大使 ピーター・アデルバイ 閣下 からこの度のパラオ柔道キッズクリスマスファンドレイジングに向けてメッセージを頂きました。

Message from:
 His Excellency Mr. Peter ADELBAI
 Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Palau


I would like to express my sincere gratitude to the people of Japan for their support of the Palau Judo Kids Christmas Party Fundraising.

The relationship between Palau and Japan has truly taken many forms, but the Palau Judo Federation was born with the support of Japan Overseas Cooperation Volunteers (JOCV) and now Ismael Aguon and Jennifer Anson are teaching judo to about 30 Palauan children as Shihan (teachers).

Judo is an opportunity for children to learn not only about their physical bodies, but also about building self-esteem and becoming good human beings. The Palau Judo Kids are planning a visit to Japan next year, and we hope that the ties between our two countries will continue to grow stronger.







なお、Cristian Etpison NICOLESCUパラオ共和国大使館公使参事官からもメッセージをいただく予定です。 NICOLESCU公使はブラジリアン柔術オリンピアでもあります。